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FAQ Page:
Q.1 What is Vigilance Angle?
A.1 Vigilance angle is obvious in the following acts:
a) Demanding and / or accepting gratification other than legal remuneration in respect of an official act or for using his influence with any other official.
b) Obtaining valuable thing, without consideration or with inadequate consideration from a person with whom he has or is likely to have official dealings or his subordinates have official dealings or where he can exert influence.
c) Obtaining for himself or for any other person any valuable thing or pecuniary advantage by corrupt or illegal means or by abusing his position as a public servant.
d) Possession of assets disproportionate to his known sources of income.
e) Cases of misappropriation, forgery or cheating or other similar criminal offences.
(Reference: CVC Vigilance Manual 2022; Page 18 Para 1.4.1)
Q.2 What are General Complaints?
A.2 Complaints/ information on corruption/ vigilance matter by a complainant or information giver against particular Govt officer/official/functionary which is not in the nature of PIDPI (Whistle Blower) or trap complaint(for catching/apprehending culprits red-handed) will fall under this category.
Q.3 What are Trap Complaints?
A.3 Complaints/ information related to bribes/illegal monetary demands wherein Anti- Corruption Branch help is required for catching the culprit(s) red-handed will fall in this category.
Q.4 What are PIDPI (Whistle Blower) Complaint?
A.4 Complaints/ information related to corruption against particular Govt officer/ official/ functionary falling under Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) wherein the information giver/ complainant doesn’t want to get his identity disclosed will fall under this category.
Q.5 What is meant by the term CVO/ HoD/ HoI/ NVO?
A.5 CVO stands for Chief Vigilance Officer; HoD stands for Head of Department; HoI stands for Head of Institution; NVO stands for Nodal Vigilance Officer.
Q.6 What Types of documents and size of documents/ audio & video files allowed?
A.6 The following will be allowed as supporting evidence under this category:
1. PDF for documents, MP3 for Audio and MP4 or AVI for Video.
2. JPEG, JPG or PNG for Images.
3. Maximum size of each file can be upto (20MB).
Q.7 Why a citizen/ complainant should file complaint or give information related with corruption in this portal?
A.7 Corruption undermines the developmental efforts of the government and weakens Institutions, Systems, Procedures and adds high cost to the economy. While the rich, mighty and people in position & power benefit in Economics of Corruption but it is the poor, needy and meritorious who bear the cost of corruption. The organisations, systems and procedures of the Government must not only be efficient but also ethical, just and fair. Therefore, it is imperative upon all the residents of the city to help the administration of Govt. of NCT of Delhi in curbing the menace of corruption by giving verifiable and timely information.
Q.8 What will happen to the complaints lodged/ information given through this portal and whether the complainant/ information giver will be involved in the investigation/ disposal of the complaint?
A.8 The complaint/ information received through this portal will be sent to the authorities/ agencies for action through the system itself whereby saving the valuable time and cost in its timely action. The complainant will get information through SMS on his registered mobile about the complaint being lodged as well as forwarding of such complaint to the concerned authorities. The complainant or the information giver will not be involved in the investigation or action per se on such complaint received through this portal. However, the complainant can provide additional information through the system itself in case he/she feels so. The System will mask the identity of the information giver/ complainant while forwarding it to the action taking Agencies/ Authorities.
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